Multimillion dollar contract signed to construct stands at synthetic track

By Treiston Joseph –

The Sport Ministry on Friday signed a Gy$176 million contract with BK International to construct two stands on the northern side of the Leonora synthetic track with the capacity to hold 1500 persons each.
According to Permanent Secretary of the ministry Alfred King, the project is expected to be completed in nine months, barring any bad weather to stall the process.

Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony (right) hands over a signed contract to Office Manager of BK International Inc Egan Bazilio (left) in the presence of Permanent Secretary of the Sport Ministry, Alfred King (background)
Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony (right) hands over a signed contract to Office Manager of BK International Inc Egan Bazilio (left) in the presence of Permanent Secretary of the Sport Ministry, Alfred King (background)

“This contract is awarded to BK International and of course they’re expected to complete this component of the project in nine months and of course it has to do with good weather and we believe that the time is right now for them to mobilise and commence this activity,” King stated at the contract signing held at the Leonora site.
The northern stands will be placed at either side of the main building of the synthetic track and will be constructed with reinforced concrete, while having a metal roof which will carry prefabricated stanchions at the two sides. These will be done with stainless steel according to director of Design and Construction Services Limited (D&CSL) Patrick Pitt.
King stated that the estimated cost for the track will be around Gy$1.4 billion as the sport ministry plans to receive the remainder of that amount in this year’s budget to complete the project.
Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony who called the project a “flagship programme” gave some insight into the projected date for the track to be completed along with revealing an estimated time for the laying of the synthetic surface.
“We have been working very hard to ensure that we’re able to complete this project…our projected date is sometime in 2014, closer to the end of 2014 dependent on resources received from the budget.
“We are expecting that the German company ‘Regupol’ would be with us within the next week and so very shortly we intend to start laying the track… I know that has been a long awaited event and once Regupol gives the clearance, very shortly thereafter we will be able to lay the track,” Anthony revealed.
In addition, Anthony believes that once the laying of the track is completed, athletes will be able to utilise the track, although construction on other components of the project might still be in progress.
It was also revealed by Anthony that Gy$641 million was already handed out in contracts, excluding the contract for the northern stands.

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